Sunday, June 10, 2018

What Does it Mean to Glorify God?

This morning's sermon at Redeemer Church got me thinking about the meaning and outworking of the word 'glory', and how we glorify God. The passage in view was John 12:20-26 where Jesus states that the hour had come for Him to be glorified. We so often use the term glory but I wonder if we really think about what it means, or what we are really saying when we talk about God's glory or glorifying God.

Going to the Scriptures, we find the word glory is translated from the Hebrew kâbôd (כּבוד) in the Old Testament, and the Greek doxa (δόξα) in the New Testament. The Hebrew term has many uses, all of which refer to weightiness or heaviness. We use similar language when talk about "weighty matters," things that are significant and consequential. Even the old "that's heavy, man" has this same sense. So when the OT authors refer to God's glory, they are referring to Him as the weightiest, most supreme and honorable being. Any time we deal with God, we are dealing with one who is intrinsically of utmost consequence, and and most worthy of honor and praise. The NT term is similar in its focus on dignity, honor, and worthiness of worship.

So what then does it mean to "glorify God"? Well obviously it doesn't mean to make Him glorious, since as we've seen, He already is. There's no way that mere man, or anything else in creation, could make God glorious, or add to His innate glory. Since He alone is glorious in His being, His creation can only reflect or point to His gloriousness. In fact the Scriptures tell us that everything in creation ultimately exists for just that purpose - to reflect and make known the glorious One. We see this reference to the created universe testifying to God's glory in Psalm 19:1 - "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." We see in Philippians 2:9-11 that God's glory will be displayed when ultimately all people confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We find repeatedly in Ephesians chapter 1 that the grace of God in Christ shown to His elect is a testimony to His glory. In 1 Corinthians 10:31 we who are His people are commanded that "whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

So this is how we as believers in Christ glorify God. We live our lives as a reflection of the glorious grace of God that He's given to us in Jesus. To glorify Him means to declare His greatness and His honor and His worthiness of all praise and worship. First of all, by fully trusting in the glorious gospel of grace He's given in the person and work of Jesus Christ. And then by allowing our thoughts, words, actions and all we have and do to be governed by that gospel as His Spirit enables us and empowers us and guides us.

God is glorious. His glory is only partially seen now as His creation and His people give partial and imperfect testimony to Him. And one day He will fully reveal His glory to everyone and everything. Let's live as His people in light of who He is, and the hope of His glory being made clear.